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We are a non-profit virtual entity working to strengthen the narrative power of social justice movements in Latin America.

We operate under the legal and fiscal structure of

We operate under the legal and fiscal structure of

We amplify the narrative power of the global majority

Throughout history, social justice movements have tirelessly fought for legal and political transformation. However, today we know this is insufficient to transform reality. Beyond laws, it's narratives that shape culture, and it's the invisible power of hegemonic narratives that limits our perception of what is possible and normalizes injustice and inequity.

At this crucial moment for the planet and humanity, we call for a radical act of collective imagination to envision a new horizon.

At Puentes, we work to strengthen the narrative power of social justice movements in Latin America.

We provide the training and platforms necessary for organizations and activists to come together to change history.

How do we do it?

We create connections, foster dialogues, and weave communities that actively collaborate in the creation of other possible futures, building common ground that integrates diverse knowledge, latitudes, and movements.
We facilitate the conditions and provide the resources so that organizations and activists can collectively imagine narratives of equity, dignity, liberation, and care through creativity and ongoing exploration.
We challenge dominant narratives by creating and sharing stories that inspire the change we dream of and the actions to achieve it.
We lead and nurture us from the global conversation on narrative power, connecting Latin American communities with other regions of the world.
Narrative power to create a new tomorrow!

What do we offer?


We connect organizations and activists from Latin America with the knowledge, expert teams, and resources they need to exercise narrative power.

Inspiratorio is a digital training space where Latin American organizations and activists exercise our narrative power.

Discover how we do it here

Narrative Platforms

We create platforms alongside organizations and activists to promote community narratives of hope and justice that illuminate the world we dream of. Through capacity building and connections, we strengthen the narrative power of social justice movements in Latin America.

We are a community of organizations and citizens that promote family well-being through human rights.

Learn how we do it and receive tools to improve your family relationships here.

We are a community that brings together organizations, leaders, and activists who promote human rights from diverse faiths and spiritualities.

Get tools for your work in faith and human rights communication here.

We are a digital community of activists for human rights and gender justice in Latin America.

Ideas and projects in the making!

The narrative work never stops, and neither does our desire to explore and work with more change agents, which is why we always have projects under construction. If you don't want to miss out on upcoming launches and news, sign up to our mailing list here!

We are living in the imaginaries of those long gone before us, one day people will be living in the imaginaries we've created.
Angela Davis

This is the talent that builds Puentes

We contribute to the great global conversation on narratives, bringing our talents, passions, and perspectives from Latin America. Meet those who make our work possible:

We are committed to a diversity of talents and methodologies and to collective creation

These are the organizations that make our projects and services possible.

Advisory Board

We have an Advisory Board that oversees our work and supports the development of our mission. It is composed of:

Paula Ávila-Guillén (President)
She is an international human rights lawyer with extensive experience in Latin America. She is currently the Executive Director of the Women's Equality Center.
Mandy Van Deven
She has led multiple global initiatives in Southeast and South Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, West Africa, Europe, and the United States and has training in management, racial inequalities, and feminism. She currently serves as an international consultant in philanthropy and narrative work.
Viviana Waisman
Lawyer and expert in women's rights and international law. She founded and led Women's Link Worldwide. She is currently an international consultant on these topics.
Graciela Selaimen
Social justice journalist and digital rights pioneer in Brazil. She has a distinguished career in philanthropic work. She co-founded the Instituto Nupef and is currently the regional leader for Latin America at IRIS.

Advisory Board:

We have an Advisory Board that oversees our work and supports the development of our mission. It is composed of:

Paula Ávila-Guillén (President)
She is an international human rights lawyer with extensive experience in Latin America. She is currently the Executive Director of the Women's Equality Center.
Mandy Van Deven
She has led multiple global initiatives in Southeast and South Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, West Africa, Europe, and the United States and has training in management, racial inequalities, and feminism. She currently serves as an international consultant in philanthropy and narrative work.
Juliana Martinez
She is the research director at Sentiido and an associate professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at American University. She works with trans Latina communities and advises public institutions, educational institutions, and NGOs.
Viviana Waisman
An attorney specialized in women's rights and international human rights law. She founded and led Women's Link Worldwide. She is currently an international consultant on these topics.
Graciela Selaimen
Social justice journalist and digital rights pioneer in Brazil. She has a distinguished career in philanthropic work. She co-founded the Instituto Nupef and currently is the regional leader for Latin America at IRIS.

Let's keep weaving

If you are part of a social organization, movement or activism in Latin America, subscribe to our mailing list now:

  • Stay up to date on narrative work.
  • Receive information about calls and updates from our projects: Inspiratorio, 'Familias: Ahora', and CREO, according to your interests.